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Mintage:  35,429,286

Comments:  1865 cents have by far the highest mintage of bronze cents, until 1880.  Seeking out problem free and attractive examples should not be a heavy task, considering the high mintage.  Two different digit punches were employed in 1865, the Plain 5 and Fancy 5.  The initial punch used was the Plain 5, with a banana shaped top on the 5 and squared loops of the 86.  The Fancy 5 digit punch features a hooklike top. Both digit punches are necessary for a complete date set for 1865, so collectors will acquire both to complete their collection.

Die varieties for 1865 consist primarily of repunched dates.  The best variety is Fancy 5 Variety 3, with a bold Class IV doubled die reverse.  Three interesting Plain 5 varieties are 2, 3, and 4.  They all exhibit a misplaced digit that is remains in the same area as the date.  This is unusual when we consider that misplaced digits are found hidden in denticles or in the design.

Plain 5 Digit Punch

Fancy 5 Digit Punch

Rarity Estimates For 1865 Varieties

Emission Sequence of 1865 Obverses and Reverses

Return to Date and Die Variety Analysis

*Click on variety number to proceed to that die variety page*
Top  100 Variety Number Obv Rev Date Position Obverse / Reverse Attributes Cross Reference
Proof 1 1 A C Proof Die / Proof Die Snow PR1
* 1 4 C B Plain 5, 18 Repunched to the South and 65 Repunched to the North / Die Chip on N of ONE Snow 1, RPD-001
* 2 5 D RE Plain 5, 1 Repunched far to the East, 5 Repunched to the South, 1865 Digits in the Denticles / Die Crack from 8:30 Snow 2, RPD-003
* 3 6 E LE Plain 5, Misplaced Digit:  The Base Of A Misplaced 8 Digit Between The 8 and 6 Of The Date; Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The South Below The Serif Of The 1, To The South Within Both Loops Of the 8, To The South Within Both Loops Of The 6 and To The South Below The Flag Of The 5; Obv. 6.2:  Die Cracks From 6:00 and 7:00 / Die Defect at 1:45; Rev. E.2:  Die Crack at 3:45 Snow 3a, RPD-002
4 6 F Snow 3b
5 7 G LE Plain 5, Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The North Above The 1; To The North Above, Within The Upper Loop and Above The  Lower Loop On The Left Side Of The 8; Misplaced Digit:  Top Of A Misplaced 8 In The Denticles Below The Primary 8 Of The Date; Obv. 7.2:  Die Crack Between 2:15 and 3:45 / Rev. Ga: Rotated 21 Degrees CW; Rev. Gb:  Rotated 62 Degrees Clockwise; Rev. Gc: Rotated 102 Degrees CCW; Rev. Gd: Rotated 108 Degrees CCW; Rev. G.2:  Rotated 180 Degrees, Die Cracks From 11:15, 12:45 and 3:45; Rev. G.3:  Reverse G Has Developed A Retained Cud Between 11:15 and 12:45 and Is Rotated 9 Degrees Counter Clockwise Snow 4, RPD-004
6 8 H Snow 5, RPD-005
7 9 I LE Plain 5, Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The South Below The Tops Of The 8, 6 and 5 Digits / Die Cracks From 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, 6:15 and 9:45 Snow 6, RPD-006
8 10 J Snow 7, RPD-007
9 11 K C Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impression To The South Within The Upper Loop Of The 8, Die Crack From 7:00, Raised Area To The Right Of The Date, Rim Break Between 3:30 and 4:00 / Die Crack From 7:45 to 3:45 Snow 10, RPD-010
10 12 L B Plain 5, Repunched 1 to the South Snow 11, RPD-011
11 13 M Snow 12, RPD-012
12 14 N LE Plain 5;  Repunched Date: Initial Date Impression To The East Of The Right Side Of The 1 Digit / Reverse Rotation Of 8 Degrees Clockwise; Rev. Na:  Reverse Rotation Of 4 Degrees Counter Clockwise Snow 13, RPD-013
15 O B Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impression To The South Below The Base Of The 8 / Die Crack From 6:00 Snow 14, RPD-014
14 16 P LE Off-center Clashes on Portrait, Curved Die Line from the Y of Liberty through Headress to Feather 3 / Die Crack at 8:30 Snow 15, ODD-001
* 15 5.2 AK RE Plain 5, 1 Repunched far to the East, 5 Repunched to the South, 1865 Digits in the Denticles, Die Damage by Neck; Rev. AKa:  Reverse AK rotated 105 Degrees CCW; Rev. AKab:  Reverse AK rotated 135 Degrees CCW Snow 2, RPD-003
16 17 AN RE Plain 5, 1 Repunched to the North, Die Crack Connects 186 of the Date / Die Crack at 9:30 Snow 8, RPD-008
17 18 AQ RH Plain 5 / Reverse Cud Between 9:30 and 11:00
18 19 AR
19 20 AW ? Reverse Retained Cud Between 6:00 and 8:30
20 21 AY

21 9.2 AAI LE Plain 5, Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The South Below The Tops Of The 8, 6 and 5 Digits / Die Crack From 1:45 Snow 6 obv.
22 22 AAL B Plain 5, Radial Die Crack From 1:00 / Working Die Artifacts Above Top Right Of Shield and Artifact Within The Denticles At 9:00; Radial Die Crack From 9:15
23 23 AAL.2 B Plain 5, Localized Areas Of Die Rust On The Neck, Left Of Ear, On The Ribbon and Between Feathers 4 and 5  / Working Die Artifacts Above Top Right Of Shield and Artifact Within The Denticles At 9:00; Die Crack From 9:15; Rev. AAL.2:  Die Crack Within Left Wreath Between 10:00 and 10:15, Rim Break Between 1:45 and 2:15; Rev. AAL.3:  Retained Cud between 10:15 and 10:45; Rev. AAL.4: Cud Between 10:15 and 10:45
2424AAORHCracked Die:  Die Crack From  4:30 / Cracked Die:  Die Cracks From 7:15, 11:15 and 12:45; Diagonal Die Lines Between the Shield and Right Wreath
* 1 1 Q LE Fancy 5, Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The South Below The Serif and Base Of The 1, 5/4 Digit Punch Anomaly, Die Scratches by the Eye, Ear and Jaw / Die Cracks from: 12:30, 3:45, 9:45, 10:45, Rev. Q.3:  Die Crack From 9:30 and Die Break In Field At 10:30 Snow 1a, PUN-001
2 2 R Snow 1b, PUN-002
* 3 3 S Snow 2, DDR-001
4 4 T B Fancy 5, 8 Repunched to the West / Reverse Die Cracks at 11:00, 1:00 and 7:00 Snow 3a, RPD-002
5 4 U B Fancy 5, 8 Repunched to the West / Die Cracks at 2:30, 6:30 and 9:30 Snow 3b, RPD-002
* 6 5 V RE Fancy 5, 1865 Repunched to the South / Die Cracks at 4:00 and 8:15 Snow 4, RPD-003
7 6 W C Fancy 5, Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The South Below The Serif and Base Of The 1; To The South Within Both loops and Below The Left Side Of The Upper Loop Of The 8; To The South Within The Lower Loop Of The 6; Die Cracks From 7:00 and 11:30 / Die Cracks at 4:45 and 11:30; Rev. W.2:  Reverse W Has Developed An Additional Die Crack From 10:30 Snow 5, RPD-004
8 7 X C Fancy 5, 18 Repunched to the North and 65 Repunched to the South, Die Crack from 2:30 to Tops of MERIC, possible misplaced digit between the ribbon and hair curl / Die Cracks from 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 10:30 and 11:30 Snow 6, RPD-005
8 Y LE Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The South On All Elements Of The 5 / Die Cracks From 7:45, 10:30 and 11:30 Snow 8, RPD-006
10 9 Z LE Fancy 5, Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The North Above The Top, Flag and left Base Of The 1; To The North Above The Top and Above The Left Side Of The Lower Loop Of The 8; To The South Below The Base Of The 5; Obv. 9.2:  Rim Breakage On Right Side and Die Cracks From 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 and 7:00 / Reverse Working Die Subsidence Located At 5:00 and 6:15 Snow 9, RPD-007
11 10 AA Snow 11, RPD-008
12 11 AB LE Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The North Above The Base Of The 1; To The North Within Both Loops and Outside Left Top Of The Lower Loop Of The 8; To The South Within The Lower Loop and Base Of The 6; To The South Within The Lower Loop and Base Of The 5; Die Rust Within The Portrait / Reverse Cracks At 2:00, 3:00 and 11:00; Rev. AB.2:  Die Cracks From 5:30 and 8:45 Snow 13, RPD-001
* 13 12 AC RE Fancy 5, Circular Die Line in Headdress / Die Cracks From 2:00 and 3:45; Rev. AC.2:  Cud Between 3:45 and 5:00 Snow 14, ODD-001
13 AD LH Misplaced Digits:  Misplaced Bases Of 6 and 5 Digits Under The Truncation On Either Side Of The Ribbon; Die Crack From 4:15 / Die Cracks From 2:00, 2:15, 8:00, 9:45 and 11:30 Snow 15, MPD-001
15 14 AE LE Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The Southwest Within The Upper Loop Of The 8 and To The North Within The Lower Loop Of The 6 / Die Cracks From 3:45, 6:45, 9:30 and 10:15
16 15 AF Snow 17, RPD-010
17 16 AG RE Fancy 5, Die Scratch Through the Eye / Die Crack from 5:00 Snow 18, ODD-002
18 17 AH Fancy 5 / Reverse Hub Through Snow 19, ODD-003
19 18 AI RE Fancy 5, Partial Cud Between 4:00 and 4:30; Obv. 18.2:  Retained Obverse Cud from 4:00 and 4:30 CUD-004
20 19 AJ B Fancy 5, Reverse Die Cracks From 4:15, 7:15, 8:30 and 10:30; Rev. AJ.2:  Retained Obverse Cud from 7:15 and 8:30 CUD-002
21 20 AL ? Fancy 5, Cud Between 5:45 and 6:45 CUD-003
22 16.2 AM RE Fancy 5, Die Scratch Through the Eye / Bulging Reverse at 5:15 and 6:45 Snow 18, ODD-004
23 21 AO B Fancy 5 / Bisecting Die Crack From 1:30 to 7:45, Die Crack From 9:45 through Wreath at 7:45, Die Crack From 9:45 in Wreath into the Field Snow 7, CRK-001
24 1.2 AP LE 1865 Repunched to the South, 5/4 Digit Punch Anomaly, Die Scratches by the Eye, Ear and Jaw, Die Cracks from 6:00 and 9:45 / Die Chip on E of ONE Snow 1c
* 25 22 S C Excessively Polished Eye Socket and Base of First Feather / Doubled Die Reverse Snow 2b, DDR-001
26 22.2 AS C Excessively Polished Eye Socket and Base of First Feather, Die Crack Connects Tops of UNITED STATES
27 23 AT C Reverse Cud between 1:45 and 3:15, Die Cracks at 12:30 CUD-002
28 24 AU LE Reverse Retained Cud between 2:30 and 3:30
29 25 AV C Reverse Retained Cud Between 11:30 and 12:45
30 26 AX RE Misplaced Digit:  Misplaced Digit In The Denticles Below The 5 Of The Date Snow 20
31 27 AZ LE Reverse Heavy Die Cracks From 12:30 and Between 2:15 and 3:45
32 28 AAA RH Reverse Cud Between 11:45 and 12:15
33 29 AAB LE Reverse Partial Cud Between 6:45 and 8:15, Die Crack From 12:30, Die Crack From 4:00, Heavy Die Crack From 9:45 Downward Through Left Wreath To Partial Cud
34 30 AAC B Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impression To The North Within The Lower Loop Of The 8, Square Shaped Die Chip On Cheek / Die Cracks From 12:30, 3:15, 3:45 and 11:00
35 31 AAD RH Obverse Cud Between 5:15 and 6:00, Crack Connecting Tops Of 'OF AMERI'
36 32 AAE RE Die Cracks From 4:30 and 7:45, Rim Break Between 8:00 and 8:45 / Raised Area Above Right Shield Point, Parallel Die Lines Below Uppermost Acorn Within Right Wreath, Die Cracks From 1:15, 2:15, 3:30, 4:00, 6:45, 8:00, 9:45 and 10:30
37 33 AAF C Broken Flag Tip Of 5, Die Rust Within Feathers and Next To Nose / Die Subsidence At 5:00, Rim Break Between 12:15 and 1:00; Rev. AAF.2:  Rim Break Between 11:00 and 11:45; Rev. AAF.3:  Rim Break Between 11:45 and 12:15
38 34 AAF.4 LE Die Lines Below Ear and To Right Of Liberty's Headband, Lint Hub-Throughs By The Nostril, Within The Denticles Below 'AMERIC(A)' and Within The Denticles Below 'U(NITE)D' / Die Subsidece At 5:00, Rim Breaks Between 11:00 and 1:00; Rev. AAF.5:  Additional Rim Breaks Between 1:00 and 2:45 Snow 10, ODD-005
39 35 AAG ? Reverse Cud Between 8:00 and 9:30
40 14.2 AAH LE Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The Southwest Within The Upper Loop As Well As To The Northwest Within The Lower Loop Of The 8 and To The North Within The Lower Loop Of The 6, Lint Hub-Throughs By (LI)BERTY / Die Rust Within Both Sides Of The Wreath and Within The Ribbon Knot, Die Cracks From 12:15, 7:00 and 9:30 Snow 16, RPD-009
41 14.2 AAJ LE Repunched Date:  Initial Date Impressions To The Southwest Within The Upper Loop As Well As To The Northwest Within The Lower Loop Of The 8 and To The North Within The Lower Loop Of The 6 / Heavy Die Lines Between The Right Wreath and The Rim, Radial Die Crack From 11:15, Rim Break At 11:15
42 12 AAK RE Fancy 5, Circular Die Line in Headdress / Two Die Lines Between The Right Wreath and Denticles At 2:15; Artifact Located At 9:15 extending Off The Outer left wreath Snow 14 Obv.
43 36 AAM RH Lint Hub-Throughs Located At Base Of Eye, Among The Feathers and Within The Denticles; Die Cracks From 6:45 and 9:45
44 37 AAN
45 38 AAN LE Date Repunching:  Initial Date Impressions To The West Within The Loops Of The 8 and To The South Below The Flag Of The 5; Digit Punch Artifact Above The Ball Of The 5 / Die Line Located Below The Left Base Of The Shield; Die Subsidence Located at 6:15; Die Cracks From 2:30, 4:30, 7:15 and 11:45 Snow 12

Rarity Estimates For 1865 Varieties

Variety Rarity
1865 Plain 5 Proof 1 URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 3 URS-9
1865 Plain 5 Variety 3a URS-(9+)
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5 URS-9
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5a URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5ab URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5ac URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5ad URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5b URS-7
1865 Plain 5 Variety 5c URS-6
1865 Plain 5 Variety 7 URS-9
1865 Plain 5 Variety 7a URS-(8-)
1865 Plain 5 Variety 9 URS-(8-)
1865 Plain 5 Variety 9 URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 12 URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 12a URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 13 URS-9
1865 Plain 5 Variety 14 URS-9
1865 Plain 5 Variety 15 URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 15a URS-7
1865 Plain 5 Variety 15ab URS-7
1865 Plain 5 Variety 17 URS-6
1865 Plain 5 Variety 19 URS-6
1865 Plain 5 Variety 21 URS-(9+)
1865 Plain 5 Variety 22 URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 23 URS-8
1865 Plain 5 Variety 23a and 23b URS-6
1865 Plain 5 Variety 24URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 1 URS-(8-)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 1a              URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 1b URS-(8+)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 7URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 9 URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 10 URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 10aURS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 12 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 12a URS-(7-)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 13 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 13a URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 14 URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 15 URS-7
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 17 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 19 URS-7
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 19a URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 20 URS-(7-)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 20a URS-(6)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 22 and 22a URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 25 URS-7
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 26 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 27 URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 28 URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 29 URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 30 URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 31 URS-7
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 32 URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 33 URS-(7+)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 34 URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 35 URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 36 URS-7
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 37 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 37a and 37b URS-(8+)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 38 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 38a URS-(8+)
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 39 URS-6
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 40 URS-7
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 41 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 42 URS-8
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 43 URS-9
1865 Fancy 5 Variety 45 URS-8

Emission Sequence For 1865 Obverses and Reverses

Obverses / Reverses Die Pairings
Plain 5 Obverse 5 P-2  P-15
Plain 5 Obverse 9 P-7  P-21
Plain 5 Reverse AAL P-22  P-23
Fancy 5 Obverse 1 P-1  P-24
Fancy 5 Obverse 12 P-13  P-42
Fancy 5 Obverse 14 P-15  P-40  P-41
Fancy 5 Obverse 16 P-17  P-22
Fancy 5 Obverse 22 P-25  P-26
Reverse AAF P-37  P-38
Reverse AAN P-44  P-45

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