Obverse 8 is identified by date repunching that features initial date
impressions to the south of the serif of the 1; to the south within the
upper loop, to the southwest and to the north within the lower loop of
the 9; to the northwest above and to the north within the 0; to the
north above, to the south below the flag and to the north within the
lower loop of the 5. Obverse 8 has acquired clash marks from
a clashing event with Reverse I.
Reverse I is rotated 5 degrees clockwise and is observed with artifacts
among the vertical shield bars. Reverse I has acquired clash
marks from a clashing event with Obverse 8 and has developed die
The above plate coin was submitted by David Killough during early
December 2022 based on the date repunching and reverse die cracking.
Upon examination of David's coin, I was able to determine
that this die pairing represents the initial usage of Obverse 8.
Obverse 8 will later return to service paired with Reverse
AAP during the 1905 Variety 67 Die Pairing.
Plate Coin:
Courtesy of David Killough Collection, XF40