Obverse 12 is identified by date placement at C, hub-through artifacts
located above 'UNITE(D)' and date repunching that features initial date
impressions to the north above the top of the 1 as well as to the north
within the upper loop and above the left side of the lower loop of the
8. Obverse 12 has acquired clash marks above the first three
feathers and has developed the following die cracks:
1. Light die crack from the denticles at 2:15 extends upward
and connects the tops of 'OF'.
2. Light Die crack segment connects the tops of 'STA(TES)'.
Type II Reverse B has acquired clash marks through (C)ENT and to the
right of the denomination.
The Type II Reverse Variety 2 Plate Coin was submitted for attribution by Bob Travis
during early September 2022.