Reverse H has developed the following die cracks: 1.
Severe die crack from the rim at 11:45 extends through the top of
the shield and outer edge of the upper right wreath, where it exits
into the rim at 1:30. A light die crack splits from this die
crack at the upper right wreath and continues into the upper right side
of the shield. 2. Die crack from the rim at 4:45 extends upward through the right ribbon end. 3. Die crack from the rim at 8:45 extends upward through the outer edge of the left wreath.
Reverse H will develop a retained die break between 11:45 and
1:30 during a subsequent Reverse H die state. This Reverse H die
break was first identified in the book 'The Design Cud' written by Paul Marvin & Arnold Margolis, with a reference listing of IC-1861-1R-Ret.
5 was first identified by David Killough, who submitted the above plate
coin during early December 2022 for inclusion in this book based on the
die cracking of Reverse H.
Plate Coin:
Courtesy of David Killough Collection, AU50